Our Horses
Horses and humans share an ancient bond – a history of work, war and companionship. Domesticated in 4000 B.C., these spectacular creatures helped us develop cities, agriculture, transportation and communication. Since the Industrial Revolution, horses have been marginalized – used for sport – and often have been neglected or abused.
At Blue Horse Sanctuary, we honor our shared bond, developed over thousands of years, which exists in the hearts and souls of each and every equine. Our history is their history and they are owed our protection. With patience, love and care, it is our honor to give back to them what they have given us. They have carried us on their backs across time and continents. Letting them live out their lives in dignity is the very least we can do in return.

The Burrito

At Blue Horse Sanctuary. we love and respect the long history of the American donkey, brought in large numbers to the western US during the gold rushes of the 19th century as pack animals. Later, they were set free to roam the west and are now being herded for removal from national parks and many western lands. Affectionate, durable, courageous, protective and intellectual, these hardy, sweet companions are due our respect and protection.
The “Burrito”- our donkey sanctuary - is located on the south side of the ranch. The donkeys have their own coastal Bermuda field, a lake where they love to hang out, and 200 acres to roam. Our future plans are to adopt more needy donkeys, and, we hope, be able to receive and home some of the Wild Burros from the National Park Lands Project.
For as long as WildWood has existed - since the early 70s - we have had donkeys. In June of 2015, Buford was surrendered by his owner who lived near Houston and could no longer keep him. Our handsome gelding is now the Patriarch of the Burrito. Later that same summer, Melissa adopted 4 young Jennys who were in the Kaufman feedlot destined for slaughter in Mexico. Alice, Margarita, Pickles and Ava arrived in a huge transport truck along with 5 horses and a mule - all stepped out to freedom at WildWood.
Although very young, two of the burros were pregnant and soon Rose was born to Ava and later Bud, our little boy, was born to Pickles. Bud has since been gelded (we do not allow breeding as there are so many donkeys needing homes already) and all the gang roams the Burrito, getting lots of attention and love - and most importantly! Carrots!!!
Here we honor the lives of our beautiful, courageous rescues that have left this life to run in greener pastures. We are comforted in the knowledge that while their lives may have begun in situations that were harsh, or that they came to us due to owners not having the resources to continue supporting them, they had years of happiness and freedom here at Blue Horse Sanctuary.

"Horses lend us the wings we lack." - Pam Brown